I made these last night and they were a hit!
1 pound of green beans (fresh)
3-5 cloves of garlic (cloves being the little parts not the big things –I think- hmmm, well buy the big thing then take the outer layer off an then pull out the little bulbs and skin ‘em. Chop 3-5 of these in half… the more you use the more garlic-y the beans will be)
1 Big Handful of halved walnuts (chop these up as well… I think about ¼ cup of chopped nuts is a good guide, but change for your own discretion.
Oil (I used Peanut oil)
Rinse and snap the green beans.
Place green beans in pan (large… I used my wok) and cover just barely with water.
Cook on high until beans are BRIGHT GREEN! (about 6-7 minutes(
Rinse with cold water and plop the whole strainer into cold water. (I filled my sink up about 1/3 of the way and added ice cubes.) I have no idea why this I important, but I followed the directions.
Let them cool while you heat a healthy dose (cover the bottom of the pan) of oil in the pan.
When the oil is hot add the garlic, cook on high for 5 minutes
After five minutes add the green beans and the nuts… sprinkle a bit of minced onions, salt to taste.
Cook for another 5 minutes or until you can’t stand it (They are going to smell soooo good!)
(Depending on your group.. you might want to remove the big chunks of garlic before you serve.)
Serve and enjoy!
Time: Less than 20 minutes.
Hello again
3 months ago
Thanks for the reminder of this recipe! It's something I had totally forgotten! And delicious, too!
ReplyDeleteOne, you're adorable - your specifications about garlic slayed me.
ReplyDeleteTwo, you mean you didn't take a picture? You know, the scratch and sniff kind?
These sound good going to have to try them thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I was wondering how to use all my walnuts too.